What is an Offer on a Property in Scotland and How Do I Make an Offer?

What is an Offer on a Property in Scotland and How Do I Make an Offer?

An offer on a property can be verbal or in writing. What is the difference? A verbal offer may come from either a potential buyer, a representative authorised by them or from that person’s solicitor. Of course, the old adage that a verbal offer isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on applies just as much to property as it does to most other things! It is, however, an indication that the potential buyer wants to open negotations on a purchase. Talk, however, is cheap and until the offer is in writing there is little legal consequence to having come to an agreement verbally. A written offer, to be legally binding, must come from a firm of solicitors. A written offer is the first letter that leads to the exchange of letters that constitutes the ‘missives’: the contract of purchase and sale.

I'm Robert Carroll, Managing Director of MOV8 Real Estate, Estate Agents and Solicitors. MOV8 is an innovative and forward-thinking, all-in-one estate agency and solicitor firm with its Head Office in Edinburgh and a City Centre office in Glasgow. We buy and sell literally thousands of properties for property buyers and sellers in Scotland every year, so I see first-hand every day what is actually happening in the property market. This blog aims to give an honest, fresh and sometimes light-hearted take on what is happening in the Scottish property market.


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